Ti je ketu: Ballina > BOTIMET > SERBIAN CRIMES IN KOSOVO 1998-1999
Sanije Gashi

Appalling true stories of Albanian women`s suffering, told first-hand

Those who survived, tell chilling tales of torture, rape, disappearance and brutal murder!

This book is made up of the dramatic accounts from the Albanian women who experienced the horrors of the Kosovo war, during the years 1998-1999, not only in faraway areas, but inside their very homes and families; of women who experienced cruel murders of their children, parents, husbands, pregnant women...

Lexuar 4554 herë.


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Revista TEUTA
Teuta Magazine

Revistë Moderne për Gruan Dhe Familjen
"Revista TEUTA"
Prishtinë, Kosovë



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